Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
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For historical information, Wikipedia has an article on Operation Infatuate.

Operation Infatuate is a map set around the Walcheren Island in the Netherlands. It is fought between United Kingdom and Germany.


The British start off with two uncapturable bases and a naval fleet, which consists of two Flower-class corvettes and three Landing Craft Tank. The Germans have one uncapturable base and five control points.

The scenario in Conquest mode is played out differently to the one in Objective mode:

Conquest mode[]

The values of the control points differ from one to another:

  • Middelburg HQ: 50
  • Westkapelle: 40
  • Domburg Battery: 30
  • Causway: 20
  • Flushing: 20

Whichever side holds control points with a combined value greater than 80 will incur a ticket bleed to the other side.

Objective mode[]

The British must before destroy the eight coastal guns before their tickets run out.

