Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
History icon
For historical information, the Internet has a page on Francis Blaise's Story.

Waldhambach is a map set around the eponymous village in France. It is fought between United States and Germany.


The Americans start off with one uncapturable base. The Germans have six control points to defend.

The American force will suffer a ticket bleed as long as the German force holds all six control points, however they can inflict a ticket bleed on the Germans once they hold three or more control points.

The Americans have a large number of tanks to start off the assault. The Germans have fewer tanks, but they have a large number of machine guns and anti-tank guns in the village. Furthermore, both sides also have artillery guns for fire support. Despite these hardware, infantry are still crucial, especially in the village area, where a lot of narrow spaces are available for setting up ambushes or general close quarters combat.
