The Bronekater Type 1125 is a Soviet armoured gun boat.
Often referred to as the "riverine tanks" or "Bronekater" in Russian, the gun boats of the project 1124 and 1125 series played an important role in securing the large system of waterways of the Soviet Union. Well protected and fielding a variety of heavy armament, the boats fought offensively in almost any battle along rivers and seas during World War II and prior conflicts. Bronekaters also were deployed on the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. 310 of these effective boats were built between 1934 and 1945.
In BattleGroup42, the Bronekater is represented by a project 1125 boat. It comes in three versions: The early production model carries the same main turret and three machine gun turrets as used with the T-28 tank. It can be found on 3706-Kanchatzu Incident. The mid production model has a main turret from the T-34 tank instead and one of the small machine gun turrets replaced by a single-mount DShK anti-aircraft turret. It can be found e.g. on 4410-Moonsund. The third version is similar to the mid production model, but with a BM-8-24 rocket launcher in the place of the rear machine gun turret. It can be found on maps such as 4308-Azov Clashes.