Laffly S15TOE is a French armoured scout car.
The Laffly S15 was a family of six-wheel drive vehicles that was used by the French military for a variety of purposes, including gun tractor, reconnaissance, and anti-tank role. The S15TOE was an armoured scout car built for use in overseas colonies. Two versions of the the machine gun turret exists: a fully enclosed hemisphere turret, and an open-topped version. The one featured in BattleGroup42 is the latter.
Gameplay-wise, the Laffly S15TOE takes the role of APC in BattleGroup42: it can repair and resupply friendly vehicles in the vicinity, as well as providing first aid and ammunition to its crew. The driver position has access to a FM 24/29 light machine gun that is mounted on a small traversable turret, whereas the passenger position has a rearward facing Vickers machine gun mounted at the back. Both machine guns allow high elevation and can attack aircraft or other enemies from higher ground, but their open-topped nature means both crew positions are somewhat exposed to small arms fire.
The vehicle appears in scenarios set before mid-1943. The vehicle is developed and used in French colonies, hence it can be found in maps such as 4103-Koufra Raid, and 4206-Bir Hakeim. Vichy France also has access to some of the vehicles in overseas colonies, where they are used in maps such as 4106-The Mad Mile.
- The Laffly S15TOE originally appeared in maps set in France and had an European theatre livery, but its appearance there was not historically accurate, and was eventually replaced by the Renault UE Chenillette.