Omaha Beach is a map set on the eponymous beach in Normandy, France. It is fought between United States and Germany.
There are three control points in the map. Two are under German control, and the Omaha Beach control point, which can only be captured by the Americans, is neutral.
In Conquest mode, the American side starts off with one Fletcher-class destroyer, one Landing Ship Medium, and one freighter. In Co-op mode, only the destroyer is available.
The Americans suffer a ticket bleed initially, but this will stop when they capture two control points. The Germans will lose tickets gradually if the Americans hold all three control points.
The German defenders rely on stationary weapons, such as MG 42 machine guns, Panzer IV turret emplacements, and artillery to keep the attackers at bay. As attackers, the Americans have to brave the assault across open terrain with the support of M4 Sherman tanks and naval artillery.
- The map is a direct port of the same map from original Battlefield 1942.